After a 45 minute wait,
the doctor came in with
a hurried tone
He said that there was a build-up of uric acid crystals in between the joints of my big toes. He said he was surprised I’d gone as long as I had without visiting, given my symptoms.
I smiled sheepishly, not knowing what to say. I guess I felt a bit neglectful. Sometimes I wonder if doctors know how self-conscious they can make you feel with these offhand remarks.
5 minutes passed and we were already at the end of the visit. Without taking another look in my direction, the doctor hurriedly scribbled a steroidal medication prescription, and instructed me to take 2 pills a day. The cost was $250 a month. I prayed this prescription wouldn’t last long.
“It’s certainly not an overnight fix,” he said, reading my mind. I contemplated the cost and figured my little girl’s ski trip with her friends would probably have to be put off this year.
Now I am most definitely not a selfish dad, but I really didn’t know if I could survive another bedsheet episode again.
Unfortunately the pharmacists seemed to know that too, from the prices they charged.
After buying my first bottle and heading home, I sat down and stared at the clock for a good 10 minutes. Were the meds working? Was the swelling going down?
Slowly but surely,
things did begin to change. But just not in the way I’d hoped for.
My heart rate speed up, first catching up to the tick tock of the clock. And then near doubling its rate after about 5 minutes. “Did I just trade gout relief for a heart problem?” I wondered to myself.
I couldn’t watch the clock any longer. I felt myself getting unusually frustrated as I stormed downstairs to check on my little girl.
Then it happened
I yelled. “For Christ’s sake, turn that stupid cartoon off and do your homework right now, young lady!”
She started to cry as she ran to her room. She was confused. So was I.
My wife, catching my outburst, pulled me to the side and told me that the medications were getting to my head. And that maybe I should go outside.
To be honest, I think she might have been a bit scared.
Heading outside, the next conversation I
would have would completely change my life, and
unlock the secret to all natural gout removal. All from an unusual accomplice from my high school past.
“Lewis? Is that you?” a female voice remarked.
“Hi Kassie! How have you been?” She was one of my neighbors from down the street. We were close friends in high school, but as neighbors we might have spoken once or twice a year at most.
I’m a married man, mind you. And you can be sure that my conversation with Kassie was entirely platonic in nature.
I’m a married man, mind you. And you can be sure that my conversation with Kassie was entirely platonic in nature.
But as a male I’ll also say Kassie was quite attractive for her age, quite thin and fit despite being in her late 30s like I was.
We had the typical neighborly small talk, and then the conversation found its way to my struggles with gout. I told her about the medications and how they caused an outburst with my young daughter.
Now, there’s something you need to know about Kassie. She practiced as a ‘health consultant’ and had built up a rep in our neighbourhood as a miracle healer.
You’re probably smirking at the term ‘miracle healer’ and that’s always how I had felt about it too. And I’ll tell you more – despite being a straight A student in high school, Kassie had not attended university after that and all we knew was that she had instead moved to Japan for 8 years and then came back with ‘weird ideas’.
So ye, I had never really took her seriously before that day and I would have never thought of going to someone who was not a doctor – let alone someone without a university degree - for health advice! But on that day, a lot of things changed...
Our conversation got very personal. She said that both her parents had died young – her mother from diabetes complications and her father from a sudden heart attack.
That had affected her greatly. Particularly the fact that despite going to top doctors, no one was able to save her parents. And that had caused her to reject all conventional knowledge and seek answers in an unlikely place...
Remember I said we knew she had moved to Japan? Technically, it was Okinawa, an island off the coast of the Japan.
If it sounds familiar, that is because
Okinawa has recently been
in the news
as the place with the longest life expectancy
In fact, it has been reported that there are four times as many centenarians in Okinawa as there are in America and Britain, and Dr. Willcox, a scientist researching this extraordinary phenomenon, has recently said about the island’s inhabitants that "The calendar may say they're 70 but their body says they're 50,"...and..."The most impressive part of it is that a good lot of them are healthy until the very end
Now Kassie had gone to Okinawa before Western media caught on that something was special about the health of its inhabitants. She said that in Asia, Okinawa is well known to be the go-to place for answers when it comes to extraordinary health, and in fact the Chinese have referred to Okinawa as the “Land of the Immortals” for centuries.
By this point, Kassie had my full attention. And then she dropped the bomb:
“You know, in Okinawa gout is deemed to
be a very easily treatable ailment”
“I myself have helped many people free themselves of gout; you can get rid of it in just a few days actually”
She continued to explain that gout was just the result of a waste product in our bodies, and our bodies are more than capable of getting rid of that, given the right tools and stimuli...
I replied: “But the doctor said...”
Her gentle smile stopped me mid sentence. “Will you hear me out for 15 minutes”, she asked?
Those next 15 minutes would completely change my life and the way I think about health. Her advice was incredibly simple and consisted of just 3 main things:
And that was it...she promised me this crazy but weird approach would rid me of my gout in 7 days or less...
I thanked her and rushed back home, half excited and half dazed by the knowledge she had just dropped on me.
By that night, the pain had lessened from grade suicidal to ‘mere’ throbbing, which was a huge improvement for me.
Next morning, I could walk normally and the swelling had visibly gone down.
And a whole 7 days later,
to my amazement not only was my gout
completely gone, but I was also feeling
strangely rejuvenated and more energetic
than I had felt in a long, long time.
My wife and daughter were super proud of me. I’d solved my issue not with quick fix drugs, but by providing my body with the right conditions to get rid a waste product, just like Kassie had said.
I have to tell you that this experience was completely life changing for me. The freedom from pain was totally liberating. I was suddenly free again to go wherever I pleased and spend time with friends and family.
The embarrassment of being weak and fragile in front of my family was replaced by a new form of strength and confidence in my health. Something I found others complimenting me about as well.
My wife Brenda told me with romantic eyes, that she hadn’t seen me this happy and energetic in over a decade.
My young girl also knows that dad is able to take charge of his health. It’s a duty of a good father to provide a good example to his children how to protect their own health, and one I’m happy to finally make good on.
Forget synthetic drugs and Western therapies. Kassie showed me a better path to address the pains, and slowly let them wither away on their own, like a dying weed.
Hopefully by now, you know that there is a better path to solving your own gout issues. Even as my own story unfolded, I have to tell you that I was half in disbelief as my pains left my body.
Forget paying ridiculous fees for overpriced, side effect -producing medications ever again…
Instead, we’ll simply give your body exactly what it needs to re-start removing excess uric acid as it had been doing all along before gout kicked in.
After my incredibly experience, I asked Kassie if she’d be happy for me to write all her secrets down to pass them on to others, and she was more than happy to help.
Our hope is that these teachings will eventually help millions of Americans to put a stop to our endless drug culture, and address the underlying issues for gout right at home.
Introducing :
“ The Gout Code™ – your guide to removing
the pain in 7 days or less – GUARANTEED!”

In my step-by-step guide, “The Gout Code™ – your guide to removing the pain in 7 days or less – GUARANTEED!” you’ll discover a precise approach to experience long-lasting gout relief and freedom.
Most importantly, The Gout Code™ is
Incredibly Effective – Get rid of your gout in 7 days or less – GUARANTEED!
Easy and simple – anyone can follow the instructions laid out in our fool-proof guide.
100% Natural – It is 100% safe and natural, without any drugs or medications!
And yes, this guide is an
instant digital download, meaning you can start your gout-free journey right now, even if it is 3 am in the morning!
The Gout Code™ Customers Reflect On Their
Gout-Free Turnaround Experiences